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The single most important thing you can do right now to ensure a successful New Years resolution!


Updated: Dec 21, 2021

It’s a great time for getting excited about making positive shifts towards a healthier lifestyle. Not only is December busy filled with rushing around, shopping, spending, eating and drinking. The days are short and we spend a lot of our time in darkness. December 21st (winter solstice) is the shortest day of the year. I love Winter Solstice! To me it's a shift in energy. We go from the cold dark depths of winter and slowly, very slowly begin to see more light. It’s such a magical time to change and shift old patterns, and make resolutions. When January comes we are moving into a fresh new year, and literally coming into the light. I always look at this time as a perfect time to reflect over my year and see where I want to make changes, where I want to grow, and what I am holding onto that I want to let go of. The darkness is a wonderful time to reflect. It’s always darkest before dawn and that's the way I think about New years, we are moving into the light!

My message to you over the next few weeks is to find time to sit and reflect. If you jornal take time to read through them. In our culture there seems to be this stigma around New Years. The whole failing resolution joke. I believe deep down no matter how conscious we are we can feel the shifting energies of this time of year. And that feeling gives us inspiration to make resolutions. But without the contemplation, the going within and the looking back those resolutions generally become about what the latest fades are or advertising we are exposed to. Therefore they are destined to fail because they are not aligned with our inner purpose and desire. The fitness and nutrition industry knows we are vulnerable at this time and preys on us with an overwhelming stream of ads and flashy deals. It is so easy to get caught up in the promises of these ads if you have not done the mindfulness work.

So in order to take advantage of this powerful energy shift and have a successful resolution you must truly tune in to your own inner guidance system and ask. Try to avoid outside pressure to be, do, have, or look a certain way. Just spend some time in stillness, weather that's walking in quiet nature, meditation or journaling. In the stillness and the quiet moments, is where you will find answers and your resolve.

I work with a lot of my clients on mindfulness practices around their fitness and nutrition. Reach out if you would like to learn more about my coaching and how you can incorporate mindfulness into nutrition and fitness.

For my training and online coaching packages.

My 6 week Reset program goes deep into integrating these practices into your life for long term success. Check out:

For a detailed description of my 6 week reset program.


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